How Long Does Solar Film for Windows Last?
Solar film can provide a long-term solution to energy loss and UV exposure in residential and commercial settings. However, to estimate how long window film will last on your windows, you'll want to consider numerous factors. Keep reading to learn how to calculate the lifespan you can expect from your window tint.
Solar control film can last for decades under certain conditions, making it an excellent investment for your home or office. However, when determining how long you can expect your tint to perform its UV-blocking duties, take these things into account:
The Local Climate
Homeowners in areas that experience extreme weather conditions will need to replace their window tint more often than those living in moderate climates. This discrepancy is because when your windows are consistently exposed to extreme wind, heat, or cold, the expansion, contraction, and beating take a toll on the window film and can cause it to wear out more quickly.
In the Pacific Northwest, you can count on your windows being exposed to various temperatures and weather patterns, which may mean your tint ages more rapidly than window tint in other areas of the country. However, don't let the fact that your window tint may need to be replaced more frequently keep you from having it installed. You can still expect your tint to have a lifespan of at least five to ten years. In addition, the savings in energy from using tint can far outweigh its installation cost.
Installation Quality
To get the optimum longevity out of your window film, you'll want it to be installed by a professional window tint installation company. Unfortunately, some individuals mistakenly believe they can save money by purchasing and applying tint themselves. This usually backfires.
When window film is improperly installed, its lifespan is significantly shortened and may need to be replaced much sooner. In addition, it may not provide the energy-saving and UV-blocking benefits it is designed to provide. Tint installation technicians spend months learning how to apply window film correctly and can ensure that your window tint isn't compromised by improper application.
Material Used
The quality of the tint material used will dramatically impact how many years your solar control film will last before needing replacement. Since not all solar control films are created equal, you'll want to ensure the company you choose to install your tint uses a film manufactured to last.
At NWSP, we use only the best quality films for home, commercial, and automotive tinting jobs. We provide our customers with solar protection results that last for years by using a premium product and installing it with care.
Window Placement
Windows on the East and West sides of your home or office typically need their solar tint replaced before windows on the North or South sides. The more sun exposure a window gets, the sooner the film will need to be replaced.
However, tinting the windows
facing East and West will make the most significant difference in your electricity bill and prevent you from being exposed to harmful UV rays.
Signs You Should Replace Your Window Film
If you already have solar control film installed, you may be wondering how to tell when it is time to have your tint removed and replaced. As your tint begins to reach the end of its lifespan, you'll likely notice that your energy bill increases even though you don't change your habits.
You may also have difficulty maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home. Some other signs to watch for include the following:
Fading tint
Bubbles in the film
Cracking tint
Peeling at the edges of the film
Prevent UV exposure and minimize energy expenditure by adding long-lasting solar control film to your residence or workplace. For a free quote, contact Northwest Solar Protection today.