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Valuable Marketing With Fleet Vehicle Wraps

If your company owns a fleet of vehicles, it may be time to consider adding a well-designed vehicle wrap. Having your company cars wrapped with branded paint protection film can provide you with a number of benefits, ranging from weather protection to cohesive branding. Here are a few ways that you will find great value in a quality wrap.

A Traveling Advertisement

One of the biggest reasons that companies seek to wrap their vehicles is to capitalize on the opportunity to turn their vehicles into moving advertisements. Every wrap is custom-designed to fit the contours of your cars and clearly display what your brand is all about. You can add logos, services, contact information, and any other information you want. Then, when your technicians or employees are driving around, potential customers can instantly identify you and know how to get in touch.

Having a cohesive brand strategy across all your vehicles can even be more effective than traditional advertising methods like billboards. With your vehicles moving throughout the city, you are likely to get more eyes on your brand and build a stronger sense of brand awareness in your local community. All of this translates into a higher return on investment for your wraps than you would see with stationary advertising.

Wrapping for Paint Protection

Another major benefit of vinyl wrapping is that it provides you with an added layer of paint protection to keep your fleet vehicle looking good. Paint protection film ensures that your vehicle's paint doesn't get chipped or damaged during all those long hours on the road. In addition, the protective film includes a UV-resistant layer to ensure that there is no fading of the colors and clarity once your wrap is applied. This additional layer of weather protection keeps your wrap looking new for up to ten years.

Flexibility for the Future

The best part of having your fleet vehicles wrapped is that you have unprecedented flexibility for the future. While most wraps are designed to last five to ten years with proper care, you will find that they are also very affordable and can be changed or updated whenever your brand moves in a new direction. They also give you the chance to update the look and feel of your fleet without having to buy all new vehicles. A fresh wrap can bring your older fleet vehicles up to date in no time.

Having your fleet vehicles wrapped is just one way that you can bring your brand up to date, build better awareness, and make a bold impact in your community. A fresh wrap not only adds to your branding strategy, but also provides several layers of protection against the weather and other road hazards that could leave your fleet looking rough around the edges. When you invest in a high-quality wrap, you get all of these benefits for less than the cost of a new paint job, and you will continue to see the benefits for up to ten years. Plus, if you ever have to make a change, it's as easy as re-wrapping.

To learn more about the benefits of vehicle wrapping, visit the Inked Wraps & Signs showroom today.

We’re located #behindzips at 10125 N Division Street.



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